Can you purchase life insurance through Direct Line?

Yes, you can purchase level term, decreasing term and over 50s life insurance through Direct Line.

All new Direct Line life insurance policies are underwritten by Aviva.

Because Direct Line don’t trade on comparison sites, or through life insurance brokers, all Direct Line life insurance must be purchased directly.

While Reassured can’t help you secure life insurance from Direct Line, we can compare quotes from some of the best life insurance providers, including Aviva, helping you find the best deal we can offer.

Is Direct Line a good insurance company?

As of 2024, Direct Line life insurance reviews range from mixed, to positive.

Direct Line have a 4.0 (out of 5) rating on Trustpilot, with over 23,000 reviews. However, this covers a wide array of their insurance products.

Direct Line life insurance, and life insurance with optional critical 3, have a 5-3 star Defaqto rating (out of 5). Their over 50s plans have a 5 star rating.

Reassured offer a quote comparison service which can help you decide which insurer is best for you from our panel. You can contact us, or determine how much cover you need below:

Life Insurance Calculator

Calculate how much life insurance you may need by filling in the costs you’d like your policy to cover.


£137,934 is the estimated mortgage debt per household in the UK.

The purchase of a home is likely to be the largest financial commitment any of us will make in our lifetime. Your life insurance should cover your remaining mortgage balance to allow your loved ones to stay in the family home should anything happen to you.



The average monthly household budget in the UK is £2,548 (that’s £30,576 per year), which is spent on transport, food & drink, utilities (gas, electricity, water etc), clothing, council tax and leisure activities.

With energy prices hitting a record high and the cost of living rising sharply in the UK, you may wish to factor in utility bills and family living expenses into your cover.



The average personal debt of UK adults has risen to £34,566 (not including mortgage debt), with credit cards, personal loans and overdrafts being the most common forms of debt.

Factoring in any debts into your life insurance cover means that, if they need to be paid back from your estate after your passing, your loved ones won’t miss out financially.



According to SunLife, the average cost of a funeral in the UK is £3,953 (with the overall cost of dying at £9,200).

Funeral costs have increased by 116% since 2004 and are a significant cost which should be factored into the amount of life insurance you secure.



When factoring in cover for your children, you may wish to calculate the amount based on how long it is until they reach financial independence.

This could include childcare (£7,000 per year for part-time care), school expenses (£1,519 per school year for uniforms, lunches, stationary etc), as well as an additional sum for further education (this could be a contribution of up to £5,000 per year).

Sources:, &


2 in 5 adults say they are relying on an inheritance to fund their retirement.

Factoring in an inheritance to your sum assured could allow loved ones to live a more financially comfortable life. Alternatively, you could leave a cash gift to a charity of your choosing.



If you’re lucky enough to have your own savings or are part of the 30% of UK residents who already have a life insurance policy in place, this can provide financial protection for loved ones.

By entering your current cover, savings or death in service amount you can reduce the sum assured you require.


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What is Direct Line?

Direct Line are an insurance company established in 1985 in Bromley. Originally, they focused on selling a single car insurance product over the phone.

Eventually, they would branch into travel, pet and breakdown insurance, alongside their life insurance product which launched in 1995.

Direct Line were purchased by RBS Group in 2003 and are now known as Direct Line Group.

Today, Direct Line offer a multitude of insurance products online and over the phone, while also owning Churchill, Green Flag and Privilege.

All new life insurance products through Direct Line are underwritten and administered by Aviva.

Direct Line life insurance products and key features

Direct Line offer three different life insurance products - level term, decreasing term and over 50s life insurance:

Level term life insurancex - A policy which pays out a fixed amount of money to loved ones if you pass away during a set period.

  • UK residents aged 17 - 75 years old are eligible to apply (Reassured can only offer life insurance to those 18 and over)
  • Policy term can be between 3 - 50 years (must end before 86th birthday)
  • Can be secured as a single or a joint life insurance policy
  • Best for: Those who have an interest-based mortgage or wish to protect family living costs

Decreasing term life insurancex - A policy which pays out a decreasing amount of money to loved ones if you pass away during a set period.

  • UK residents aged 17 - 75 years old are eligible to apply (Reassured can only offer life insurance to those 18 and over)
  • Policy term can be between 3 - 50 years and must end before 86th birthday
  • Can be secured as a single or a joint life insurance policy
  • Best for: Those who have a repayment mortgage (fixed interest rate of 8%) or are on a budget

Over 50s life insurance - Direct Line life insurance over 50 life insurance guarantees to pay out to loved ones, regardless of when you pass away (Direct line have a 2 year waiting period).

  • UK residents aged 50 - 85 years old are eligible to apply (maximum age of 81 if you’re a smoker)
  • Guaranteed acceptance for above demographic (with no medical information required)
  • Maximum sum assured is £15,000
  • Payments cease but cover continues after your 90th birthday
  • Best for: Those in this age bracket who have pre-existing health conditions or wish to cover funeral costs
ProductFixed premiums?Terminal illness covered?Fixed chosen sum assured?Critical 3 cover can be included for additional cost?No medical information required?
Level term Icon green tick Icon green tick Icon green tick Icon green tick Icon ruby cross
Decreasing term Icon green tick Icon green tick Icon ruby cross Icon green tick Icon ruby cross
Over 50s Icon green tick Icon ruby cross Icon green tick Icon ruby cross Icon green tick

xMaximum sum assured information for level and decreasing term life insurance unavailable at this time

As well as the above products, Reassured can also offer whole of life insurance.

This product provides a guaranteed pay out to loved ones when you pass away.

Whole of life insurance also:

  • Offers a greater sum assured than an over 50s plan
  • Can be secured at 18 years old at the earliest
  • Requires medical information, like level and decreasing term life insurance
  • Quotes through Reassured's advised team from 27p-a-day ±

Direct Line additional features

Direct Line also offer additional benefits with their life insurance policies:

  • Terminal illness cover - A type of cover included with level term and decreasing term life insurance. A pay out can be made if you’re diagnosed with a condition that gives you less than 12 months to live
  • Critical 3 cover - A form of critical illness cover, this can be included with level and decreasing term life insurance for an additional cost. It will cover cancer (excluding less advanced cases), heart attack and stroke (both of which need to be of a specified severity). You’ll be paid a single lump sum if you’re diagnosed with one of these conditions and have survived for 14 days from diagnosis. Once a claim is made, the policy (including the life insurance) expires
  • Mortgage Guarantee - Only available with decreasing term life insurance. Under specified conditions, your remaining mortgage balance is guaranteed to be paid in full, when you pass away, even if your sum assured is less than this amount
  • Separating joint life insurance - If you separate from your partner, and you both secure a new mortgage, you can split the insurance into either one or two single life insurance policies. This can only be done with term life insurance within six months of separation and providing the sum of the insurances isn’t greater than the original insurance amount
  • Change life insurance terms - With term life insurance and Critical 3 cover, your sum assured and/or policy term can be reduced

Reassured are unable to help you secure Direct Line life insurance.

However, we can help arrange life insurance from Aviva - who underwrite Direct Line life insurance - alongside policies from other top UK providers.

Direct Line’s Smart Health

Smart Health is available 24 hours a day all year round, and covers you, your partner/spouse, and children up to the age of 21. Smart Health also provides:

  • Regular health checks - Providing a personalised report on how you can improve your general health
  • Mental health support - You can speak to a qualified mental health specialist, wherever and whenever you need to
  • Nutritional consultations - Obtain personalised diet or healthy eating plans and book free consultations online with a nutritionist
  • Personal fitness programme - Four or eight-week exercise plans tailored to your needs and abilities
  • Second medical opinions - Expert opinions from worldwide medical specialists
  • 24/7 phone and online access to GP - Includes a next day delivery prescription service straight to your address

What does Direct Line life insurance cover?

Direct Line’s life insurance policies are versatile, and the sum assured can be used to cover for whatever you and your loved ones require.

Some of the most common reasons people secure life insurance include:


Mortgage costs - The average UK mortgage debt in 2024 was £132,378[1], with the average UK house price being £282,000 in January 2024[2]. Life insurance could help to cover the remaining balance if the worst were to happen to you, but could also help to cover your family’s rent or other accommodation costs.

Family Protection

Daily living costs - As of January 2023, inflation is currently at 7.4%[3], impacting utilities, petrol, food and other life essentials. If your family couldn’t cover these without your income, life insurance could help maintain their quality of life if you passed away.

Childcare cost baby

Childcare costs - In 2022, the total cost of raising a child to 18 in the UK was £157,562 for a couple and £208,735 for a single parent[4]. If you have children who are under 18 years old, or children who aren’t yet financially independent, life insurance could help to support them if you were no longer around.

Definition of Incapacity

High-risk occupations - If you have an occupation considered hazardous or dangerous, it can be worth securing life insurance if you don’t receive death in service benefit in your employment. This can provide some peace of mind knowing that your family would receive some financial help if you passed away during your working life.


Pre-existing health conditions - If you have a pre-existing condition or develop health complications later in life, life insurance can give your loved ones some financial security if you were to pass away as a result of this condition. With some policies, you can also receive a pay out if you have a critical or terminal illness.


Funeral expenses - As of 2024, the average funeral cost is £4,141, with the overall cost of dying averaging £9,658[5]. Could your family deal with these expenses during a difficult period? Securing life insurance could help to cover some of these costs so loved ones aren’t left out of pocket.


Inheritance and/or charity donations - The average inheritance in the UK is around £11,000[6]. While it’s not a necessity to leave an inheritance, life insurance can help you provide a financial legacy to your loved ones. Alternatively, a sum of your choosing could be donated to charity.

These reasons for securing life insurance aren’t only applicable with Direct Line life insurance.

As life insurance is personal, you may wish to secure life insurance for alternative reasons to the common ones listed above

Reassured can discuss your options and provide information to allow you to decide whether life insurance is right for you.

We also compare personalised quotes from some of the UK’s leading providers. Simply contact us today.

How much is Direct Line life insurance?

Direct Line offer life insurance from £5 per month[7]. However, this is dependent on personal factors and your quote could be higher or lower than this.

Life insurance premiums can be impacted by the following factors:

Age - On average, premiums are cheaper the younger you are. This is due to a smaller risk being imposed on the insurer.

Medical history - If you have pre-existing health conditions (conditions existing at the time of application) historical medical ailments or a family history of certain medical conditions, your premiums are likely to have additional loading (be more expensive).

Smoking status - If you smoke, vape or use any form of nicotine product, your premiums will be higher than those who don’t.

Direct Line won’t let you secure over 50 life insurance if you’re a smoker over the age of 81, whereas non-smokers can apply up to 85 years old.

Some providers may require you to be nicotine free for a set period before classifying you as a non-smoker.

Weight/BMI - If you’re overweight or underweight, you may experience higher loading on your premiums depending on your specific BMI.

This will be assessed on a case-by-case basis with many insurers, including Direct Line.

Dangerous occupation/hobbies - Due to the increased risk these could put on your life, occupations and hobbies deemed hazardous are likely to cause premiums to be higher.

In some rare scenarios, an application may be rejected if the occupation or hobby is considered too high-risk.

Lifestyle - If your lifestyle is perceived as risky, your premiums will be higher.

This can include alcohol consumption (if over 14 units per week), an inactive lifestyle and how frequently you exercise.

Many insurers will also automatically reject your application if you’re actively using recreational drugs.

Policy type - Term life insurance is usually the cheapest option, as the cover will expire after a set period.

Premiums for over 50s plans are not affected by your medical information, which means this could be a cheaper option for those who are older and have pre-existing medical conditions.

Additionally, Direct Line and other insurers raise premium costs on guaranteed policies (over 50s plans and whole of life insurance) to mitigate the risk.

Length of cover - Term-based policies over a longer period will have higher premiums, as they impose more risk on the insurer.

Over 50s cover or whole of life insurance tend to be the most expensive as they’re guaranteed to pay out, though over 50s plans do not require medical information.

Direct Line doesn’t offer whole of life insurance.

Sum assured - The higher your sum assured, the higher your premiums. Direct Line will only let you secure a maximum of £15,000 with over 50s plans.

If the information you provide on the application is inaccurate, this is known as ‘non-disclosure’.

Non-disclosure can be either intentional or unintentional and will result in your policy becoming invalid, meaning any future claims by loved ones will be unsuccessful.

Your life insurance provider has the right to investigate any potential non-disclosure and can delay a payment until the cause of death or application has been thoroughly examined.

While we can’t help you secure Direct Line life insurance, we can compare quotes from other top UK providers and walk you through the application process.

Furthermore, life insurance quotes through Reassured start from as little as 20p-a-day.

How do I claim Direct Line life insurance?

The person claiming needs to contact Aviva, who underwrite Direct Line life insurance policies (secured after 22/07/2019).

  • Phone number: 0800 015 1142
    (from the UK Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 18:00)

Aviva will require a death certificate (or medical proof if claiming for terminal or critical illness) and any additional paperwork provided to be completed.

The life insurance pay out will be made to your personal representative (or yourself if you’ve requested this for a terminal/critical illness claim).

Once the claim has been fully assessed and completed, Aviva will transfer the money into the designated bank account.

Direct Line life insurance with free gift

If you secure level term or decreasing term life insurance via the Direct Line website or over the phone, you’ll be eligible for a free e-gift card after six months of your policy’s start date (if all premium payments are up to date).

The amount you receive is dependent on your monthly premiums:

Monthly premiume-gift card value
£5.00 - £10.00£35
£10.01 - £20.00£60
£20.01 - £30.00£120

You have the option to choose between the following e-gift cards:

  1. Amazon
  2. Love2shop code
  3. M&S e-gift card

Those who secure over 50s life insurance through Direct Line would be eligible for a £100 e-gift card from one of the above companies. However, there are other insurers who offer over 50s life insurance with a free gift.

These are subject to Direct Line’s terms and conditions and are correct as of 21/11/24.

It’s important to choose the right cover for your individual needs and not for any free gifts a company may offer.

Reassured can help you determine your available life insurance options based on your requirements and compare quotes to provide you with the best deal we can offer.

Direct Line life insurance FAQs

Who is Direct Line insurance underwritten by?

Direct Line life insurance is underwritten by Aviva for all policies secured after 22/07/2019. Policies secured between 01/01/2013 and 20/07/2019 were underwritten by Legal & General.

Why aren’t Direct Line on comparison sites?

Direct Line have chosen not to be on comparison sites. However, Aviva, the company who underwrite their life insurance policies, are.

Reassured is able to help arrange life insurance policies from Aviva, while also comparing them against other top UK providers.

How old is Direct Line?

Direct Line were first established in Bromley in 1985. They have been selling life insurance since 1995.

What companies work under Direct Line?

The most notable companies who work under Direct Line are Churchill, DLG group, Green Flag, Darwin, NIG and Privilege.

Can Direct Line life insurance be secured through Reassured?

No, it cannot. However, Reassured could help you secure life insurance from other top providers, including Aviva, Legal & General, LV= and Zurich, alongside other smaller specialists.

Secure life insurance through Reassured

While Reassured can’t help you compare Direct Line quotes, we can compare quotes for life insurance from other top UK insurers.

Reassured can provide you with personalised quotes to help you find the best possible deal we can offer you.

Our friendly team can even walk you through the whole application process and decipher any unnecessary jargon.

Simply contact us for your free quote comparison, today.









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